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Select Child in College if your parent serves in the Navy (including Reserve and ROTC) and you are a college student.
Select Child in Grades K-12 if you"re an elementary, middle, or high school student, and your parent serves in the Army (including National Guard, Reserve, and ROTC) or if your parent sustained—during military service—a serious illness or injury requiring long-term care, or if you are the surviving child of a Soldier who died while on Active Duty and your surviving parent has not remarried.
Select Service Member if you currently serve in the Army or are an ROTC Cadet.
Select Spouse if you are married to a Soldier or ROTC Cadet, or if your spouse sustained—during military service—a serious illness or injury requiring long-term care, or if you are the surviving spouse (not remarried) of a Soldier who died while on Active Duty.
Note to DoDEA non-military students: If you do not have a parent serving in the military and you attend a DoDEA school, please create an account under DoD CiviliansDoD Civilians.
For additional help, email militaryteam@tutor.com.Select Active Duty if serving as a Soldier in the Army is a full-time career for you, your spouse, or your parent.
Select National Guard (Active) if you, your spouse, or your parent is in the National Guard, and is currently deployed, activated, and/or serving as a full-time Soldier.
Select National Guard (Inactive) if you, your spouse, or your parent is in the National Guard, and serves only sometimes, e.g., for a scheduled weekend each month.
Select Reserve (Active) if you, your spouse, or your parent is in the Army Reserve, and is currently deployed, activated, and/or serving as a full-time Soldier.
Select Reserve (Inactive) if you, your spouse, or your parent is in the Army Reserve, and serves only sometimes, e.g., for a scheduled weekend each month.
Select ROTC Cadet if you, your spouse, or your parent is currently in the Army Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC) college program.
Select Service Academy Cadet if you are a current student at a DoD Service Academy (USMA, USNA, or USAFA).
Select Wounded Warrior/Survivor if you, your parent, or your spouse sustained—during military service—a serious illness or injury requiring long-term care or if you are the surviving child or spouse (not remarried) of a Soldier who died while on Active Duty.
NOTE: If your, your spouse’s, or your parent’s military affiliation is not listed, check whether you are eligible for an account under DoD Civilians.
For additional help, email militaryteam@tutor.com.Please select where the service member in your family is currently assigned. Active Duty: Select the name of the installation where the service member is stationed. Guard, Reserve, Cadets, and others: Select a region, country, or state. If you cannot find your location, please select the nearest installation location or where you are living.
For additional help, email militaryteam@tutor.com.Already have an account? Sign In
Eligibility and Funding
Tutor.com for U.S. Military Families is funded by the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) MWR General Library Program and Coast Guard Mutual Assistance (CGMA). Those who fund the program determine eligibility for its use. Eligibility can change, and program availability is dependent upon available funding and is not guaranteed.
Who Is Not Eligible?
Retired or separated DoD Military and civilian personnel who are no longer employed by the DoD and their family members, are not currently funded or eligible to use Tutor.com/military.
Student Veterans and others using the Post-9/11 GI Bill can find Tutorial Assistance information on the Veterans Affairs website.
By checking the box above, you acknowledge that you meet the Department of Defense eligibility requirements for this program, that you understand that unauthorized use of this program by persons not eligible may result in criminal prosecution and/or civilian enforcement, and that users" IP addresses may be tracked to prevent fraud. The appearance of U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) visual information does not imply or constitute DoD endorsement.