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Chord of a Circle

Intersecting Chords, Their Arc and Angles

What is a Chord?

Answer: : A chord is a line segment that joins any two points on a circle
Diagram 1
Picture of Chord

In other words, a chord is basically any line segment starting one one side of a circle, like point A in diagram 2 below, and ending on another side of the circle, like point B. Points A and B are the endpoints of chord AB.

Chord AB divides the circle into two distinct arcs from A directly to B and then the longer part: from A through C and to B.
Can you categorize these two arcs as the minor and major arc?

Diagram 2
Picture of Chord Arcs Formed by Chord

Practice Problems

Problem 1

In the diagram on the right, identify: the chord, minor arc, the major arc, the chord's arc.

Chords Example
Problem 2

In the diagram on the right, identify: the chord, minor arc, the major arc, the chord's arc.

Chords Example
Chords Example
Problem 3

In the diagram on the right, identify: the chord, minor arc, the major arc, the chord's arc.

Chords Example
Chords Example
Problem 4

What is the relationship between the lengths of chord YZ and AB?

2 Equal Chords
The two chords are congruent!
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