Area Formulas

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Definition and properties of the central angle of a circle

Area of an annulus. Definition and formula

This website shows how to find the area of a ellipse.

This page gives two methods for finding the area of a kite: a geometry formula and a trigonometric formula. Numerous connected pages offer a wide variety of information on all types of polygons.

In this Early Edge video lesson, you'll learn more about Rectangles: Area, so you can be successful when you take on high-school Math & Geometry.

In this Early Edge video lesson, you'll learn more about Area of a Circle, so you can be successful when you take on high-school Math & Geometry.

Area enclosed by a circle. Definition and formula

Worksheet to practice calculating surface area for rectangular prisms.

Worksheet to practice using the formula for the area of a circle.

Comprehensive list of formulas for finding the area, volume and surface area of various shapes.

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